I have some noise music uploaded to Bandcamp:
Upcoming albums
- None - I am not currently making music.
Album covers
Here are links to the full-res covers for most of my albums. Some of the older ones were lost when I switched computers.
- -hazard
- 09 the_house
- ablation cascade
- allumina
- almost-love and not-quite-death
- apple positive - specialty flower store
- bazinga
- beverages
- big swords extremely
- breakfast of champions
- browsers!
- candybrained
- chained to the sun
- chemicals in the water
- chew toy
- choose shame or get war
- deep
- deeper
- donkey kong is dead
- dragon pussy
- evil chicks
- feels good man
- flags
- flame of uncertain provenance
- funny pictures martyr mode
- gen one
- gold torture
- goofus
- hard clip soft limit
- hell and the nation
- hopefully, this will suffice
- hot throbbing crucifix
- human resources
- hurting him
- i don't even fucking like dolls
- imposition
- it's so fucking bad
- jej hammer
- literally like a machine
- lol
- maindeck surgical
- map of realm
- motherfucking dracula!
- newfolder
- nonthreatening feminist boy
- nympho sinner
- operation health
- osama bin laden sucked me off at comet ping pong
- other
- pakoosh
- other
- performance mode
- please please please
- please see the
- primate death bunker
- prince of space
- quen
- robot responds to pain
- ruling with scissors
- she's in the network
- society
- society 2
- songs for people who have chairs but sit on the floor anyways
- the best time to wear a striped sweater
- the monster
- the rot
- there he is. there's the funny man.
- the unsettling sounds of the night
- there is no canon
- this website has trolls in it
- thrive
- video games aren't art
- we told you this was going to happen